Christian McIlvenny


About Me

Hello, I'm 19 and my name is Christian Nathaniel McIlvenny, but I also go by Nate. My path started during High School when my Cyber Security teacher introduced me into IT which led me to learn JavaScript Web Development in College. I am on the way to becoming a Software Engineer!

Nate's Graduation High School Picture

My Work

Some projects are still in progress, but everything will be showcased here


A full-stack App that demonstrates everything we have learned over the last several months in our bootcamp. For a full list of the various libraries, packages, and technologies utilized for this project. PreDevs
Repo: PreDevs/POP-Umai

Platello GIF


Platello is a place where we ask users what they like for their meals and drinks, and provide instructions and the recipe for it. A great collab project with the group PreDevs
Repo: PreDevs/Platello

horiseon GIF


The Horiseon Challenge was to refactor HTML elements and to consolidate the CSS file. The project is much more semantic and minimal.
Repo: TDGNate/Horiseon

weather site page

Weather Dashboard

My 2nd weather app, new and improved.
Repo: TDGNate/weather-site

Password Generator Image

Password Generator

This project prompts the user for a number that determines the length of their password, and other additions to add and generate their password.
Repo: TDGNate/Password

Quiz Game website image

Frontend Quiz Game

A timed quiz that allows users to test their frontend knowledge! A timer is set and a score willbe tracked, when a user chooses an answer, the box will change from colors based on if the user was correct.
Repo: TDGNate/Quiz-Code

Rock Paper Scissors Image

Rock Paper Scissors

First Web game I've made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I recently updated and published the game on Github.
Repo: TDGNate/rps


Some of the languages and technologies I've worked with...

Get in touch...